We expect high standards from all our suppliers
These Supplier Conduct Principles have been established to ensure safe working conditions throughout KONGSBERG's supply chain, ensuring that workers are treated with respect and dignity, impartially and fairly, that business operations are environmentally sound, and that business is conducted in accordance with internationally recognised principles and relevant international conventions (including UN global Compact, ILO conventions, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and UN Conventions on Children’s Rights).
KONGSBERG expects all its suppliers to act in accordance with these principles. To reduce KONGSBERG’s operational risks, we regularly perform commercial evaluations and screenings of our suppliers. KONGSBERG expects suppliers to familiarise themselves with our values, which are available at www.kongsberg.com.
KONGSBERG takes a partnership approach to suppliers in an effort to pursue these principles by:
- Proactively seeking continuous improvement on the part of suppliers within the areas covered by the principles. If suppliers fail to comply with these standards, KONGSBERG's general policy is to encourage improvement rather than to terminate contracts.
- Encouraging rather than penalising suppliers who identify activities that do not measure up to these standards, and who agree to pursue improvements.
- Considering a similar ethical trading standard as a reasonable alternative, if suppliers are already working to achieve similar standards.