Sustainable operations
Sustainability is at the core of our values and our operations.
Global challenges are the starting point for a variety of business opportunities for KONGSBERG. Sustainable thinking is not an alternative way of thinking, but a prerequisite for sound operation over the coming decades. Customers expect it, authorities and owners expect it, and employees – not least the coming generation in the labour market – expect it. Sustainable operation will be necessary in order to obtain a “license to operate”.
Sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
KONGSBERG is committed to achieve a sustainable development in our operations, to strike a good balance between financial results, value creation and corporate social responsibility. The value created will benefit owners, stakeholders and society-at-large.
Business opportunities aimed at promoting a sustainable future shall be a part of KONGSBERG’s strategic assessments, and we will leverage our competence and expertise towards contributing to developing a sustainable future.
The climate and environment
KONGSBERG shall act responsibly and aim to reduce our footprint on the environment.
This includes discharges to water, air and ground, consumption of resources, hereunder energy consumption, water consumption and waste treatment. We shall focus on reducing direct and indirect emissions of greenhouse gases in our operations
Sustainable Supply Chain
In collaboration with our suppliers, KONGSBERG shall strive to ensure that operations are conducted in compliance with internationally recognized principles for business ethics and corporate social responsibility.
In selecting suppliers, some of our assessment criteria shall be the suppliers' work with human rights and workers' rights and anti-corruption, and the supplier's work in the area of climate and the environment.
KONGSBERG has drawn up dedicated principles for supplier conduct, in order to ensure this.
KONGSBERG’s principles apply to the entire supply chain. In cases where irregularities are discovered in relation to the supplier principles, remedial measures shall be implemented.
KONGSBERG shall strive to ensure that operations are conducted in compliance with internationally recognized principles for business ethics and corporate social responsibility, in collaboration with our suppliers. In cases where irregularities are discovered in relation to the supplier principles, remedial measures shall be implemented.