Riser and Umbilical Engineering
KONGSBERG provides a comprehensive range of engineering services for risers and umbilicals, from the early-phase conceptual studies, through preFEED, FEED, detailed design and operation, to decommissioning.
KONGSBERG can provide high-end engineering services for all types of flexible and/or rigid riser and umbilical designs and applications.
Our focus is on delivering a high level of engineering expertise and to always be at the forefront of advanced analysis and design options in order to provide our clients with the most suitable technical and financial solutions.
Detailed knowledge and understanding of the structural design of flexible risers and umbilicals is instrumental to ensure the safety and efficiency of their operation.
Careful and comprehensive analyses of riser and/or umbilical systems can reveal whether they are optimised and therefore determine if there are improvements that can increase our client's return on investment.
Flexible Risers
KONGSBERG delivers high quality analysis and engineering services based on knowledge and experience from more than 25 years service in the industry, in combination with advanced tailor-made computer programs. As an independent service provider, KONGSBERG have been working with flexible pipes from all the major manufacturers.
Our services within this area include:
- Dynamic analysis of flexible riser systems
- Design and optimisation of riser system configurations and layout
- Cross section review and optimisation
- Fully coupled analyses including risers, mooring and vessel
- Flexible pipe fitness-for-purpose evaluations
- Defining qualification programmes
- Component specification and design
- Detailed cross-sectional stress analysis using state of the art FE tools including fatigue analysis of tension- and hoop armouring wires using Bflex and FlexStress, softwares and methodologies for calculating fatigue in armour wires applying irregular waves.
- Certified Verification Agent services covering design, manufacturing and installation.
Rigid Risers
- Top tension risers: We have considerable experience in designing, analysing and verifying top tension riser systems. We have a broad suite of computer tools available for in-house detail engineering of any type of top tensioned rigid riser systems.
- Drilling and completion / Work-over Risers: Our drilling and completion / work-over riser services include local and global analyses, systems engineering assistance and general third party verification of riser systems. We provide analyses and design assistance for riser components and define rig arrangements that ensure the safe running, operation and retrieval of the riser.
- Steel catenary riser (SCR) and Steel Lazy-Wave Riser(SLWR) systems: As the industry explores new water depths it is apparent that there are applications beyond which the existing flexible riser designs are suitable. Alternatives to this are steel catenary or steel lazy-wave risers. We have a broad suite of computer tools available for in-house detail engineering of both types of steel riser systems.
Umbilical Engineering
We have established several umbilical qualification programs in order to provide the required level of confidence in the safe and cost-effective use of umbilicals in demanding applications.
Our services for umbilical engineering include:
- Dynamic analyses with regular or irregular sea
- Design and optimisation of umbilical configurations
- Cross section review and optimisation
- Umbilical fitness-for-purpose evaluations
- Definition and follow-up of qualification programs
- Detailed stress analyses of steel wires, steel tubes and copper elements using state of the art FE tools (Uflex)
- Fatigue analyses of steel and copper elements
- Detailed FE-analysis of umbilical end-fittings and accessories
- Inspection and dissection services
- Concordia: software and methodology for calculating fatigue in critical first order helical umbilical components applying irregular waves