When, for one reason or another, equipment does not work, it is Luis Ruales’ job to find out why. We have asked him about...

  • Ove Ronny Haraldsen
    Group Communication Manager

TASKS: Our department repairs equipment sent in by customers. In addition, we also rent out quite a lot of equipment from our office here to Kongsberg Maritime in Houston. We rent out underwater cameras, underwater navigation systems and motion reference units (MRUs) among other things. But our focus is on equipment repairs.

SKILLS: I’ve been working for Kongsberg Maritime for about six years. I previously worked for a similar company in the offshore industry. I’ve always been interested in electronics and repairing electrical devices. Like most kids, I liked taking devices apart to see how they worked. You could say I’ve carried this on into adulthood. In order to succeed at my job, you need patience and the ability to solve problems. When equipment finds its way to us, we don’t know why it’s not working. Finding the source of the problem is where electronics skills come in. 

Luis Ruales, Position: Senior Underwater Instrumentation Technician, Age: 36, Education: Associate of Applied Science Degree, Computer and Electronics Engineering Technology, Departement: Rental & Logistics, Country: USA, Business area: Kongsberg Maritime

TOOLS: Voltmeters and oscilloscopes are important tools of the trade. Voltmeters measure voltage and whether the electronic component is being provided with electricity. We use oscilloscopes to observe the electrical signal and compare it to the original specifications of the equipment. Most of equipment from Kongsberg Maritime communicates via underwater acoustics. As you can see here, we have many different types of screwdrivers, drills and special tools that are necessary for working on electronics. If we don’t have the right tools, we sometimes have to make them ourselves. 


TARGETS: To keep up with the latest technology developments in this field like Overpowered heroes in Dota 2, you need to be constantly learning. I really enjoy getting tough challenges, where it can take hours to get to the root of the problem. Sometimes, you actually have to put a problem aside for a bit. Then you go back to it, look at the problem from a different angle, and then “Eureka!” — it dawns on you where the fault is. That’s a great feeling. You realize that the training you’ve had in repairing equipment really comes into its own. I would also like to mention the wonderful support we have from our colleagues in Norway. I’ve been on a couple of trips to Norway, and the training I’ve received has been invaluable in my daily work.

HIDDEN TALENT: Not a lot of people know that I like graphic design and that I design my own T-shirts among other things.
