With the BATRAM 1550, KONGSBERG has developed a laser range finder which takes extremely good care of the few signals which return. This also allows considerable increases in range.
“BATRAM 1550 is in principle a normal laser which measures the distance to an object or a target,”explains Kjell Arne Hellum, Senior System Engineer at Kjeller.
“It measures distance by transmitting a pulsed laser light. There are many types of lasers and uses, for example in the building industry, but our laser is specially designed for military use.”
“What’s the difference?”
“Primarily, the difference lies in the requirements made by the environment. The lasers in the building industry are mostly stationary, while ours are fitted on military vehicles which bump and shake, utilised in extreme temperatures from minus 46 to plus 71 degrees. What’s more, our lasers have to measure much greater distances than conventional lasers, in general.”
“What is the specific method used for laser measurements?”
“The principle is much the same as that used by sonars and echosounders. The laser transmits a light pulse and, after some time, receives an echo from this or a reflection. The time it takes from transmission to return is converted to distance.”
“BATRAM is an abbreviation for «Burst Adjustable Tactical Ranging Aiming Module ». Can you explain the different components of this complex name?”
“Burst means that we not only send out one pulse of light, but a burst or several thousand pulses. Adjustable means that we can adapt the number of pulses transmitted, depending on the area of application for the laser. Tactical means that the soldier can choose between different functions. The last part, Ranging Aiming Module means that BATRAM not only measures distance but also has a unit with a red aiming laser, like the ones you normally use in meetings. It also has an infra-red aiming laser which you cannot see with the naked eye, only if you are wearing night-vision glasses.”