The space activities at KONGSBERG started in 1990 with the development of the Ariane 5 Booster Attachment and Release Mechanisms (DAAV/DAAR).

KONGSBERGs attach and release mechanisms keeps the boosters safely attached to the main stage during the tough launch of the rocket and then with extreme precision the boosters are released from the main stage. At separation, pyrotechnical devices cut the two forward attached DAAV and the six DAAR struts and the booster can separate from the main stage.

KONGSBERG has developed and delivered booster attach and release mechanisms to more than 100 successful Ariane 5 launches, and will continue to deliver the forward booster attach and release mechanism (UPPA) for the Ariane 6.

Product description

The DAAV high-performance spherical bearings, included in a highly sophisticated mechanism, transmit the loads from the Ariane 5 booster motor (EAP) to the Ariane 5 main stage (EPC) throughout the booster life.

The DAAR struts transfer the lateral loads between the main stage and the boosters. At separation, pyrotechnical devices cut the two forward attach DAAV and the six DAAR struts and the booster can separate from the main stage.


The Ariane 5 booster, more than 30 m high with 237,8 metric tons of propellant, delivering more than 90 % of the total thrust and burn for 130 seconds, is attached to the main stage by KONGSBERG attachment and separation mechanisms, the DAAV&DAAR.


How can I help you?

Johan Krabberød

Product Manager