Satellite Receivers and Demodulator Systems

MEOS™ Multi-mission Earth Observation System - our professional system for satellite data acquisition, archiving, processing, analysis and distribution. Developed to bring all your data safely home, always.

This mission statement translates into the key properties of all MEOS™ Capture products: PERFORMANCE, RELIABILITY and FLEXIBILITY.

Get all data right from the start of every satellite contact. Make acquired data available for end users as fast as possible.


MEOS™ Capture (HRDFEP, HRTG) are used in critical environments, where “every bit counts”. Current users of MEOS™ Capture includes NASA EDOS, ESA, Eumetsat and Kongsberg Satellite Services. Typical applications are remote sensing and meteorological satellite ground stations, EGSE and SCOE systems.

Satellite receivers and Demodulator systems data