Goals for 2017-2021
STRATEGY FOR SUSTAINABILITY | Implement and operationalisethe new sustainabilitystrategy "Technology forGlobal Challenges" | • Use the new guidelines activelyin the business areas'long-term strategic planning | • Follow up initiatives and actionsrelated to the strategy• Evaluate and further develop | Follow up initiatives and actionsrelated to the strategy• Evaluate and further develop |
UN’S GOALS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT | Collaboration with the UN's17 sustainability goals | • Clarify the relationshipbetween the UN’s goalsand our application of newtechnologies and our socialresponsibility commitment | • Utilising the UN’s goals for a competitive advantage in our solutions for products and services | Evaluate the goals andresults• Adjust and further developactivities towards the mostrelevant UN goals |
BUSINESS ETHICS | Clarity that every aspect ofour business activities shallbe conducted in an ethicaland responsible manner | • Continue to communicatea clear and distinct “Tone atthe Top” to all managers atall levels | • Continue clear communication• Revise Code of Ethics | • Continue clear communication• Revise Code of Ethics |
ANTI-CORRUPTION | Ensure an efficient riskbasedanti-corruptionprogramme | • Carry out external gapanalysis against the ISOstandard for “Managementsystems for anti-corruption” | • Further develop and maintain:• Communications internallyand externally regardingour attitude to corruption• Policies and procedures• Risk analyses• Action plans• Reporting• Training• Cooperation with externalparties | Further develop and maintain:• Communications internallyand externally regardingour attitude to corruption• Policies and procedures• Risk analyses• Action plans• Reporting• Training• Cooperation with externalparties• External evaluation ofcompliance and the anti-corruption programme |
• Further develop and maintainin-house policies andprocedures | ||||
• Carry out risk analyses,internalcontrols and audits toconfirm compliance withlegislation, rules and internalprocedures. Carry out risk reductionmeasures as needed | ||||
• Further develop and carry outcontinuous training | ||||
• Further develop good formsof cooperation with businesspartners and other externalparties | ||||
• Develop incentives and KPIsfor ethics and integrity, aswell as internal rules andprocedures for reactions andsanctions | • Continual maintenance | • Continual maintenance | ||
HUMAN AND EMPLOYEES' RIGHTS | Carry out due diligence forall major units and assessoverall corporate risk | • Each business area mustidentify risk areas and drawup an audit plan on this basis• Carry out initiatives whereneeded | • Evaluate and further developprocedures | • Evaluate and further developprocedures |
SUPPLIERS | Follow up annual action plansprepared by each individualbusiness area | • Focus on the implementationof planned audits• Focus on drawing up asatisfactory overview of therisk in the portfolio | • Evaluate and further developwork with a sustainablesupply chain | • Evaluate and further developwork with a sustainablesupply chain |
CLIMATE STRATEGY | Implement climate strategywith the Group's sustainabilitystrategy. Establish realisticand good ambitions• Establish realistic andcontributing goals for CO2emissions• Reporting in regard toCDP (Carbon DisclosureProject) | • Follow up our long-termgoals for reducing CO2emissions• Sanction and operationaliseambitions for the measurementperiod• Implement measures in orderto stabilise our performanceat level B | • Follow up and evaluate thestrategy and the goals thathave been set | • Follow up and evaluate thestrategy and the goals thathave been set |
DIVERSITY AND GENDER EQUALITY | We strive to have a well-diversifiedcomposition ofage groups, competence,ethnicity and gender inthe organisation. There iscurrently special focus onthe percentage of womenemployees and women inleading positions | • Follow up established andnew objectives in order toincrease diversity• Focus on female talentthrough our leadershipdevelopment programmes• Focus on the recruitment ofwomen• Increase the proportionof female successioncandidates | • Evaluate and follow up goalsand processes for ensuringgreater diversity and genderequality | • Evaluate and follow up goalsand processes for ensuringgreater diversity and genderequality |
OUR EMPLOYEES | HSEEnsure a good workingenvironment, prevent injuriesand accidents, and preventhigh absence due to illness | • Continue systematic HSEwork• Follow up established goals• Maintain low absence dueto illness• Work proactively to preventinjuries and accidents | • Further develop and improveestablished routines andobjectives | • Further develop and improveestablished routines andobjectives |
OUR EMPLOYEESTo reach the Group’s growthgoals, we must attract,retain and develop our employees.We emphasise bothprofessional and personaldevelopment, as well asleadership development.Job-satisfaction and workingconditions are measuredthrough a global employeesurvey carried out everyother year. | • Increasing completion rate ofappraisal interviews• Define mandatory training• Create action plans based oncompleted global employeesurvey• Follow-up of our diversityobjectives• All employees must have atleast one appraisal meetingper year. In 2017 we willcheck that this is beingcarried out | • Evaluate and follow upobjectives and processes | • Evaluate and follow upobjectives and processes |