

MEOS™ Antennas are LEO tracking antennas with multi-band, simultaneous transmit/receive channels for the satellite ground segment market.

Very high quality and performance in a modular and modern design provide exceptional value.

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Antennas play a key role in sending and receiving signals to and from satellites, working alongside receivers, transmitters, and other components to form a complete satellite ground station. Strategically located on Earth’s surface, these facilities are carefully positioned to maintain continuous contact with satellites as they travel across the sky.

The MEOS™ Antennas are specialized LEO (Low Earth Orbit) tracking antennas designed for the satellite ground segment market. These antennas support multi-band capabilities with both transmit and receive channels, ensuring efficient data management and communication with satellites.

Backed by over 40 years of expertise in satellite ground systems, the MEOS™ Antenna is engineered with the latest industrial components to ensure optimal performance and durability.

World-class technology and quality

With top-tier quality and performance in a modular, modern design, MEOS™ Antennas offer exceptional value to professional users with demanding requirements.

X/Y design ensures that there is no keyhole on overhead passes.

High structural strength of the positioner gives excellent performance with no need for a radome.

The MEOS™ Antenna is a vital part of an advanced data acquisition and management system, delivering critical data with high reliability, every time.

MEOS™ Antenna supports consistent and high-quality data reception of low-rate direct-readout data, as well as high-rate data from remote sensing satellites.

Designed for reliability and ease of maintenance

The robust design prioritizes maintainability, making it an ideal choice for continuous and dependable operation in various environments.

Integrated MEOSTM Ground Systems

MEOS™ Antenna can be integrated with the MEOS™ reception and processing system to form a high-performance terminal for data reception and processing. This integration creates a comprehensive solution for users needing fast, reliable satellite communication.

Technical features

  • Web-based monitoring and control, accessible both locally and remotely
  • Fiber interface linking the antenna and indoor equipment for all RF links (RF over fiber) and the monitoring & control interface
  • High-torque XY positioner, eliminating the need for a radome except in the harshest environments
  • Antenna Control Unit (ACU) equipped with program mode and Autotrack capabilities
  • Tracking capability down to 0 degrees elevation
  • Integrated GNSS antenna and GNSS time server within the ACU
  • External interfaces available for seamless customer integration
  • Positioner optimized for L-, S-, X-, and Ka-band missions
  • S-Band uplink support
  • Easy installation supported by use of Auto-Alignment

Antenna Models

  • 3.7 m X/L-Band, RX-Only

    The 3.7 m dual-band receive-only antenna comes with support for X- and L-band frequencies and can be used for a variety of applications including EO, EOS DB, and other missions. The 3.7 m aperture size and high structural strength of the positioner gives excellent performance with no need for a radome.

  • 3.7 m X/S-Band, TT&C

    The 3.7 m dual-band TT&C antenna system is a cost-effective solution which combines performance and reliability in a fully integrated package. The RF chain consists of a prime focus dual-band feed which supports X-band RX and S-band RX/TX and a 100 W HPA. The X/Y design ensures that there is no keyhole on overhead passes.

  • 3.7 m Ka/X/S Tri-Band

    The 3.7 m tri-band antenna system builds upon the proven 3.7 m S/X-band TT&C antenna and adds a Cassegrain RX-only feed for Ka-band frequencies and a dichroic sub-reflector. The sub-reflector reflects the higher Ka-band frequencies and lets the lower X- and S-band frequencies through to the prime focus dual-band feed. The 3.7 m reflector gives excellent G/T performance on all bands, and the X/Y design eliminates the overhead keyhole effect.

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