NATO Alliance Ground Surveillance (AGS)
NATO Alliance Ground Surveillance (AGS)
System Master Archival/Retrieval Facility (AGS SMARF)
The KONGSBERG AGS SMARF solution is an integral part of the NATO Owned and Operated AGS system, which provides the Alliance with advanced all-weather wide-area persistent ground surveillance capabilities.
The AGS SMARF provides state-of-the-art capabilities for storing, managing and disseminating Joint Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (JISR) data and information in a timely and interoperable manner to users throughout NATO. It is highly flexible and scalable, and will effectively support networked users throughout complex and unpredictable operational environments.
- Very Large and Long-Duration Persistent Storage
- Deployment and Scalability for Tactical to Enterprise Levels
- Open Standards
- Open and Modular Design
- Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
- NATO Network-Enabled Capabilities (NNEC)
- Key enabler for the emerging NATO JISR capabilities
- Offers unlimited flexibility and growth potential in support of current, emerging and future operational needs.
- Ensures interoperability with a wide range of NATO and National JISR and C2 capabilities through proven adherence to NATO STANAGs and agreements as well as to widely used open interfaces.
Global Hawk. Photo: KONGSBERG
Illustration of AGS SMARF in use. Photo: KONGSBERG
Technical data
- STANAG 4559 NATO ISR Library Interface
- (NSILI) / Coalition Shared Database (CSD)
- OGC Web Services (OWS) Common
- Standard/OpenGIS® Catalogue Services
- Specification (Web Interfaces)
Data formats:
- STANAG 4607 (GMTI data)
- STANAG 4545 and 7023 (SAR, ISAR, EO, and IR imagery, Exploited imagery)
- STANAG 5516 and 5518 (track data and related messages)
- ADatP-3, STANAGs 3277 and 3377 (Formatted text messages)
- STANAG 4633 (ESM)
- STANAG 4676 (ISR tracks)
- STANAG 5527 (NFFI data)
- STANAG 4609 (Moving video)
- XMPP (Messaging)
- Unstructured Data (Any File)
Hvordan kan jeg hjelpe deg?
Joakim Fridheim
Project Manager