InterCom DDS

InterCom DDS

InterCOM DDS is a middleware application designed to facilitate efficient and secure communication.

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InterCOM DDS is a middleware application designed to facilitate efficient and secure communication between multiple, disparate systems and sensors, using the open standard Data Distribution Service (DDS) protocol. InterCOM DDS provides high performance, distributed data messaging services for applications and hardware requiring a real-time open architecture or service-oriented architecture.

InterCOM DDS is an open standard middleware solution for high-performance data distribution. It allows developers to quickly define and share real time data across systems, networks, platforms and processors, significantly reducing the effort to integrate real time distributed systems. It addresses all data distribution require¬ments, from command sequences to data checkpoints and reconstitution. Due to its proven interoperability, InterCOM DDS is ideal for heterogeneous systems with numerous networks and OS platforms.

InterCOM DDS has been optimized for defence and security applications and is interoperable with any OMG-compliant DDS application. DDS is an open standard maintained by the Object Management Group (OMG) consortium. Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace is a contributing member of the OMG consortium.


  • A high-performance engine that ensures reliable data delivery
  • Open-standard Data Distribution Service API managed by OMG
  • Communication Middleware. To easily define, send, marshal and de-marshal data across platforms and languages
  • Anonymous publish and subscribe communication model makes system integration easier
  • Maximize network resources and behaviour by customizing QoS (Quality of Service) policies
  • Object-oriented API
  • The InterCOM DDS Viewer tool allows developers and integrators to view the network traffic and inject test messages


  • Using the open standard Data Distribution Service (DDS) protocol
  • Flexible publish-subscribe architecture
  • Dynamic discovery of publishers and subscribers
  • Communication controlled by a robust QoS model with a rich set of QoS policies
  • Cross-platform and cross-language interoperability

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Ann Kristin Åmo Nesbakk

Team Manager

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