Mayor Break Ground on New Space Location
This week, Kongsberg Defence and Aerospace, together with the Mayor of Kongsberg, held a groundbreaking ceremony to mark the start of a new Space and Surveillance facility. The event took place at Arsenalet at Kongsberg Technology Park (KTP).
The traditional shovel had been replaced by a large excavator. Before climbing into the large machine, Mayor Kari Anne Sand, pointed out that she was probably not qualified to use an excavator, so people should take a step back just in case.
“I am very pleased that Kongsberg Gruppen has chosen to build this facility in Kongsberg, and I think that it’s only natural that it should be placed here,” said the Mayor before breaking the ground. When asked about what a new space facility will mean for the city, Sand was clear: “Potentially, it will create 100 new jobs! If my calculations are correct, 100 new industrial job positions in Kongsberg Technology Park will generate hundreds of new jobs in the area – and that makes a Mayor happy,” said a smiling Sand.
Kongsberg Gruppen’s division for Space and Surveillance (DSS) will gather a majority of their space related activities under one roof. The 4 story 6000 sqm building will house approximately 100 employees – and KDA expects that the number will double within a short time. KDA is steadily growing and the growth is projected to continue. Since DSS has won several important and strategic contracts with European space programmes, DSS is in need for a new and modern facility in order to streamline their production efficiency.
“This is an momentous day for us! Kongsberg Gruppen and KDA invests heavily in the space-field. We are in need of an advanced production facility, and we are getting just that! By building our new facility next to Arsenalet, means that we will be closely linked together with experts on materials used in the production of fighter jets and missiles. This will become a hub for the most advanced production facilities in Norway, says Harald Aarø, Executive Vice President of DSS.
The new space facility will further strengthen the city’s foundation of being Norway’s leading driver in the development of technologically advanced industry. The new production facility is scheduled to be completed next year, with an official handover at the end of June 2022. It is a tight deadline, but KTP is confident that it will go according to plan.
“It is a demanding plan, but we have a solid team, and together with the contractor POB we will make sure that this building will come to life, say Johnny Løcka. He is the Managing Director of Kongsberg Technology Park and is responsible for the number of buildings across the 50.000 sqm tech-park.
“POB is the contractor of choice. We have worked well together in the past, and the fact that they have been chosen again is a testament to their work,” says Løcka.
“To be chosen as contractor is the best way to get recognition,” says Ole Feet from POB proudly. “We will do what needs to be done.»
Since both KDA and Space and Surveillance are growing, the Executive Vice President of Space & Surveillance reveals that they are, if all goes as planned, already looking at options for expanding the production facility.
Article translated from Norwegian to English. First published in Laagendalsposten (02.06.21)