KONGSBERG employee inspecting SeaKing helicopter

Diversity, inclusion and belonging

Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace is an equal opportunity employer actively committed to achieving diversity within our workforce. We see diversity as a strength, and by fostering an inclusive and diverse culture we nurture different perspectives, which in turn fully utilizes our diversity to create business results.

We think that different is good

Our people are our greatest asset and strength, and is key to our continuous success. To develop innovative technology for the future, we need to bring together people with different perspectives, backgrounds and experiences.

We are committed to bring out the best in our employees, and that is why we are dedicated to fostering inclusion and diversity. The defence and aerospace industry is historically a male-dominated industry, but if we want to develop and create sustainable innovations for the future we need a diverse pool of people and talent.

The ability to embrace diverse communities and the unique voices they support are an integral part of sustainability. With increasing challenges related to climate change, it is more important than ever that we work together to create and enable a more resilient world to address the ongoing climate emergency.

In order to do this, Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace need everyone’s voices, with a full range of insights and ideas for how we can turn things around. And for us, a key enabler is our ability and commitment to innovation.

There is great strength in being different

Building an inclusive culture and work environment where people feel that they belong is important for the overall wellness and mental health of our employees. We work tirelessly to create a safe space in which our people are respected and valued, and feel comfortable being themselves – regardless of gender, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, physical or mental challenges, educational, religious or social background.

Opportunity for all

We are committed to achieving diversity within our teams - across all divisions and departments. Our employees draw on their personal experiences to reach their goals. What matters to us is the skills, experiences and perspectives you bring to the table. From military service members transitioning into civilian life, young people fresh out of university, or experienced professionals, we actively promote a gender-balanced representations in our company. We think that different is good.

At Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace you will gain important and meaningful relationships with world-class experts in their fields. Experts who will instil in you the values and abilities you need in order for to succeed in your future career. Not only will you get to participate in real-world projects, but you will have multiple opportunities for personal and career-building development:

  • Internal and external training and educational programmes
  • Advancing your career through promotions

Being part of a safe and professional workplace is greatly appreciated in business-life and helps to generate added value. We are proud to have a working environment that scores high when measured against the working environments of some of the best technology companies in the world.
It is through a diverse and balanced workforce we will achieve true innovation and secure our world-class perspectives, ideas and thoughts.

Talk to us!

People seek to change careers for many different reasons and we understand that making a life-changing decision might feel intimidating. Your goals and values may have changed, you have discovered new interests that you want to pursue or you just simply want to do something new and exciting.

If you are interested in any of the available positions, please apply directly through our application portal. You can find the link to the portal in the job listing.

For any inquiries, feel free to contact the person listed in the job offer.

  • Bredo Larsen
    HR Director
  • Portrait of Baard Johan Troye. Credit: Njål Frilseth / KONGSBERG
    Baard J. Troye
    HR Manager
  • Portrait of Vilde Kongsjorden.  Credit: Njål Frilseth / KONGSBERG
    Vilde Kongsjorden
    HR Advisor