Gear monitoring systems
Fishermen worldwide have relied on information from Simrad's gear monitoring solutions every day since the early 60s. Information about door spread, door stability, geometry, water speed, cod-end filling, and the height of the trawl and trawl doors is vital to be efficient. In addition, our monitoring solution can provide the physical location of the gear as an aid for safe navigation. For a purse seiner, you get information about net depth, distance to the bottom, sinking rate and temperature.
Today, our range of gear sensors, both wireless and cable-based, can be combined. Interfacing our gear monitoring systems with other equipment gives you complete control from setting to catch, thus enabling you to fish more efficiently, sustainably and safely.
Combining the use of Simrad sonars, echo sounders and gear monitoring systems gives you optimal interoperability.

Simrad TV80
Gear monitoring software

Simrad PI50
Real-time catch monitoring system

Simrad FX
Third-wire modular gear monitoring system with sonar, video and wireless sensors

Simrad SR15
Single channel gear monitoring receiver

Simrad SR70
4-channel gear monitoring receiver

Simrad TP90
Gear monitoring and positioning transceiver

Simrad FS80
Next generation cost-effective trawl sonar for gear monitoring

Simrad FS70
Third-wire trawl sonar for gear monitoring
Get in touch!
In addition to our many offices around the world, our global dealership network enables distribution to more than 100 countries to meet customer needs at any location. Find your local dealership or Kongsberg Discovery office here.