The Norwegian Cabinet adopted today a decision to recommend to the Storting the procurement of the new Naval Strike Missile (NSM) as part of the Armed Forces' investment proposition (Recommendation No. 78 (2006-2007): "On investments by the Armed Forces"). In its quarterly report for Q1 2007, KONGSBERG stated that a contract for production of the NSM was expected to be signed in Q2 2007.
The recommendation deals with the serial production and procurement of the new Naval Strike Missile (NSM) for the Norwegian Navy, and it is based on a contract negotiated between Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace and the Armed Forces' Logistics Organisation. The contract will result in new orders for KONGSBERG valued at approximately NOK 2.5 billion.
Pending the Storting's approval, the final contract will be signed after completion of the parliamentary process.
For further information, please contact:
Head of Division Harald Ånnestad %u2013 telephone 47 322 88971 - mobile 47 920 60087 Chief Financial Officer Arne Solberg %u2013 telephone 47 322 89575 - mobile 47 920 60011