Technip Offshore (UK) Ltd has placed an order with Kongsberg Maritime Ltd (UK) for three High Precision Acoustic Positioning (HiPAP) systems. These will be installed on three Diving Support Vessels (DSV), CSO Orelia, CSO Wellservicer & CSO Deep Blue.
To increase operational efficiency These systems have been ordered to enhance the overall subsea positioning capabilities of the vessels, and will increase operational efficiency during deepwater, subsea construction operations.
Wide range of applications HiPAP is a hydroacoustic SSBL (or USBL), towfish tracking system, able to operate in shallow and deepwater areas to proven ranges in excess of 3000 metres. It is a multi-purpose system used for a wide range of applications including towfish & towed platform tracking, DP reference i/p, high accuracy subsea positioning & telemetry and scientific research. Optional enhanced operation is available with Hydroacoustic Aided Inertial Navigation, HAIN, system which increases the HiPAP SSBL positioning accuracy by a factor of up to 300%. This configuration was used during the 2003 survey of the wreck, Prestige, sited at a depth of 3,850m.
Key features Key features of HiPAP include:
Unique spherical transducer design with up the 241 individual elements Extraneous noise suppression techniques Extremely narrow, ±5degree, listening beams Extreme tracking range capabilities True Multi-User LBL function Comprehensive transponder range to support positioning operations Reference output to Dynamic positioning system Technip Offshore With a workforce of about 19,000 persons Technip Offshore is one of the world%u2019s leading offshore construction companies. It has major contracts in West Africa, Egypt & Gulf of Mexico and is at the forefront of utilising existing and innovative technologies to overcome the barriers to deepwater construction.