We have won the contract to supply simulators and upgrades to the three maritime colleges in Iceland; Styrimannaskolinn i Reykjavik, Vélskoli Íslands and Verkmenntaskolinn a Akureyi. Although our simulators are already in use at all three colleges, the contract was won against tough competition confirming the company's high standing in the maritime training sector. Our DNV Type Approved and STCW' 95 compliant engine and bridge simulators are included in the contract.
The Vélskoli Íslands college in Reykjavik is operated by Menntafelagið, but owned by the state whilst Verkmenntaskólinn á Akureyri is owned and operated by the state. Both will replace their existing Kongsberg Maritime engine room simulators with the latest generation of full mission engine room simulators.
Under the same agreement we will also upgrade an existing full mission bridge simulator based at Stýrimannaskólinn í Reykjavík, also operated by Menntafelagið. The upgrade will be according to the latest DNV Class B for ships bridge simulation.
With a vast number of possible configurations, the KONGSBERG simulators offer the ideal environment for different types and levels of training, ranging from component training and familiarisation, through basic operations, to team training and failure management. The simulators can be adapted to any level, making it possible to run refresher or sophisticated updating courses for experienced staff, in addition to basic junior operator training.
This contract utilises the full capacity of the systems in full mission solutions, but a KONGSBERG simulator system can operate in any scale, even down to a single PC set up. The simulators offer a wealth of options to suit all requirements within maritime training.
"We are both proud and happy that these schools have selected our simulators again" says Jørgen Mathiesen, Key Account Manager, Kongsberg Maritime. "We find that once colleges like these in Iceland have our simulators, they are more than happy to continue their relationships with us for upgrades and new systems."