Europe's Meteorological Satellite Organisation (EUMETSAT) has announced their selection of Kongsberg Spacetec as the preferred supplier of MSG receiving stations for Eastern- and Middle Europe. The first of EUMETSAT's new generation of weather satellites was successfully launched on 29 August.
"The launch of MSG1 was a significant milestone in the continuing and greatly enhanced observation of the planet's weather and long-term climate from space," the EUMETSAT President, Dr. Tillman Mohr, stated.
"This is a major break-through for Kongsberg Spacetec. We have been waiting for this moment for several years. The launch of MSG1 has been delayed for a long time. It gives a feeling of confidence knowing that the launch was successful, and that the owner of the satellite has chosen us as their preferred supplier of receiving stations towards their membership countries," says the President of Kongsberg Spacetec, Mr. Bjørn Arne Kanck.
Kongsberg Spacetec has developed a MSG HRIT/LRIT receiving station. This is a flexible and modular turnkey system for acquisition, processing, analysis and distribution of data from the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG1) satellite. The system is fully compliant with Eumetsats requirements.
"Earlier this year, the Norwegian, Danish and Finish Meteorological Institutes have awarded us contracts for their MSG receiving stations. Within the next weeks, Sweden will make their decision. If their decision is favourable to us, we have reached our first step in the strategic plan made 3 years ago - first to conquer the Nordic market, then the rest of Europe," says Kongsberg Spacetec's VP Marketing, Mr. Jan Børre Rydningen .
For further information, please contact: President Mr. Bjørn Arne Kanck Phone 47 77 66 08 00 VP Sales & Marketing Mr. Jan Børre Rydningen Phone 47 77 66 08 12 Kongsberg Spacetec AS is one of the leading companies within ground station systems for Earth observation satellites. The company's main business focus is on the delivery of turnkey ground station systems, consultancy services, feasibility studies, systems engineering, training and support.
Since 1994 Kongsberg Spacetec AS has been a wholly owned subsidiary of Kongsberg Defence and Aerospace, the largest Norwegian defence and space manufacturer.