Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace AS has signed contracts worth MNOK 51 with the Norwegian Army Materiel Command. The contract refers to a total upgrading of the software and hardware at the Army's training centres in Fredrikstad and Bardufoss, where soldiers are trained to direct and operate anti-aircraft fire control systems.
"This contract enhances and furthers the relationship we have built up with the Royal Norwegian Army", remarks Vice President Tore Sannes of Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace.
"The training centres for the NALLADS system (Norwegian Army Low Level Air Defence System) have undergone a number of minor upgrades from the time they were delivered in 1992 and up to today. The current upgrading incorporates the technological developments that have emerged since the equipment was originally delivered, and will prolong the life of the systems", he continues.
The contract represents 26 man-years of labour, and is scheduled for completion in 36 months.