KM-Support App

Download KM support app

Get even faster support with the KM-Support App

User-friendly search and filtering features let you find the right contact and product information for your needs. Download it here for free:

We follow the sun with 24/7 service

No matter the time of day, we will answer a call for help. High-tech support centres based in Europe, America and Asia provide support service, 24-hours a day, seven days a week.

  • No matter the time of day, someone will always answer the phone at Kongsberg Maritime if you call for help. Three high-tech support centres in Europe, America and Asia provide this 24-hour service.
  • How to use the app

    Find the right contact points immediately

  • Navigate through the menu of KM’s product support teams. Once you find the right team, just click to make a direct call or send an email.

    Search for the right products

    The KM-Support App has a product search bar with 1600+ product names or descriptions that are all ‘click-and-call’ enabled.