A 3D rendering of an oceanographic research vessel still on a calm sea with a sunset in the background

Oceanography vessel

Maximum range, minimum noise, extreme capacities

Our advanced designs and capabilities in research and oceanography vessel engineering are developed from decades in the offshore energy and fisheries industry. Our in-house ship design and hydrodynamic research capabilities ensure world-class standards in capability, efficiency, range, and noise reduction. Some of the best known oceanographic and research vessels currently afloat are fitted with our engineering solutions, systems, and products 

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Powering performance with proven advantages:

  • Proven, ready-to-build designs for a high-performance ocean research vessel
  • Condition monitoring solutions that highlight failures well before breakdowns
  • Advanced dynamic positioning capabilities featuring cybersecurity protection
  • Dedicated hydrodynamic services specialising in silent operation 


Key figures in oceanography vessels

  • Over 121 Launch and Recovery Systems deployed

  • More than 200 Vessels delivered ICE-1A and above

    185 Vessels
  • We specialise in deck machinery for cold weather operation. Our winches and cranes have a proven track record in the harshest polar environments.

    Below zero

The quest for quiet

Find out how Kongsberg Maritime has developed the expertise and the tools to make vessels ultra-quiet in the water - whether for sub-hunting frigates or for ocean research vessels.

Lifecycle support

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