A 3D rendering depicts an offshore naval vessel on patrol in relatively calm conditions at sea

Surface combatant vessel

Extending range and interoperability for surface combatants

We boost the performance of frigates and surface combatant vessels for extended long-range operations with rapid adaptability and interoperability. As a trusted partner and supplier to European and North American navies, we have decades of experience dealing with processes and demands for highly complex vessels built to the strictest standards 

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Powering performance with proven advantages:

  • Agile, electrically-powered Replenishment at Sea (RAS) systems 
  • Propulsion systems that improve range while offering ultra-quiet operation
  • Reliable deck machinery for fast, effective launch and recovery operations
  • Integrated digital systems to speed onboard decision-making.
  • Mission Bay Handling Systems that rapidly deploy remote or autonomous craft 

Key systems for naval vessels:

We provide key elements for naval vessels that ensure longer range, interoperability, and quicker response times.

Experience, support, and customisation for our naval clients

  • We maintain 117 offices in 34 countries, strategically located around the world, ensuring global support and quick shipment of parts and personnel.

    19 countries
  • For over 80 years, Kongsberg's Hydrodynamic Research Centre has been perfecting propulsion for all types of naval platforms, from fast patrol craft to aircraft carriers. 

    65 years
  • More than 70 navies around the world use Kongsberg Maritime equipment and engineering to extend range, cut noise, and boost reliability

    55 navies

What we offer the world's top navies

From Mission Bay Handling Systems that quickly deploy unmanned craft to ultra-silent propeller design, we enable navies to do more at sea for longer

Lifecycle support

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