A 3D rendering depicts a purse seiner vessel motoring slowly in calm seas with a cloudy sky

Purse seiner vessel

Efficient power management, dependable deck machinery, advanced sonar

Our Simrad sonars, echo sounders and catch monitoring systems are backed by more than 70 years of experience in the fishing segment. Combined with durable deck machinery able to handle high loads, our clients in the Purse Seiner segment enjoy considerable benefits with our engineering and systems. Our catch control systems help to avoid bycatch and ensure compliance with regulations, while our energy management solutions lower operating costs.  

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Powering performance with proven advantages:

  • The FishMaster® integrated workstation, combining manoeuvring, fish finding, winch and catch monitoring systems 
  • Greater assurance in the shipyard thanks to our expertise in fishing vessel engineering
  • Ship design services to ensure highly capable vessels
  • Power management and thruster systems for efficient operations 

A range of purse seiner vessel designs

Our Ship Design team has developed a range of purse seiner designs that provide integrated solutions to reduce underwater noise, raise fuel efficiency, and improve deck handling gear.

Lifecycle support

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