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ShipLoad Loading Computer
ShipLoad Loading Computer

In these situations it is reassuring to know that at least the cargo control and stability of the vessel is taken well care of. With the ShipLoad Loading Computer onboard, you know that the most powerful and yet simple solutions are implemented. A system that is easy to use on a day-to-day basis, yet powerful enough not only to do mere calculations, but also to offer advice on loading and stowage, Water Ballast distribution, Water Ballast exchange, damage stability and grounding scenarios and a lot more. A system that will ease the daily load planning and condition handling, but that with confidence will rise to much more complicated occasions when so asked.
ShipLoad planning and automation functions
The ShipLoad Loading Computer will of course come inclusive of all the "standard" functions you would expect from a hi-end Loading Instrument. A part of what makes ShipLoad stand out from the crowd, however, is the array of useful automation and planning functions that are available. ShipLoad will not only tell you what happens if this or that takes place – the common "what-if"–analysis functions: ShipLoad will provide prompt advice on what to do, how to do it – and it will even do it for you if you will allow… This goes for Water Ballast operations (equilibrium and stability as well as WB exchange according to new rules on harmful marine organisms), cargo distribution and loading/discharging, optimum floating position for minimum fuel consumption, and more.
Obviously, many of these functions are available only if the tank / draught level gauges and the Ballast Control system is interfaced to the ShipLoad Loading Computer.
Advanced calculation methods – optimum results
ShipLoad will apply both the exact calculation methods on the full geometric definition of the vessel in calculations; there are no short-cuts, no pre-computed tables, no simplifications and compromises, no conservative assumptions – and it is all done in a blink of the eye.
This might seem like purely theoretical factors of interest to none but professors and data nerds, but that is far from the truth: Exact computations will mean that the vessel is loaded to the stated limits – no more and no less. No hidden deadfreight and no overloading – what you see is what you have.
This is all achieved without complicating the work for the regular user – the system will do all its tricks behind the normally visible layers. The advanced user might, however, probe deeper into the matter to configure the calculations according to his particular requirements. This makes for a flexible and versatile system that will match all needs and user requirements of both the shipboard management and the eventual user at the office.
Emergency response functionality
The ShipLoad Loading Computer may also handle grounding and damage scenarios outside of the regular (pre-defined) Damage Stability conditions that are required by the Class. Advanced modules and options are available covering Hull Girder Structure / Residual Strength calculations, outflow from tanks, grounding / beaching forces, etc.
Detailed specification
- Windows™ application – versions available for Win95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP.
- Versions available for tankers, bulk vessels, bulk self-unloading vessels, offshore supply vessels, container vessels, crane vessels and more.
- Fully compatible with the SHIPSHAPE hydrostatics and stability package.
Basic version
- Intact stability
- Loading Condition handling
- Loading Condition export functions
- Full Grain Stability functionality automatically available when grain type cargo is loaded
- Floating Condition details and graphics
- Stability details and powerful graphics
- Squat calculations
- Ballast simulation option: The User will enter desired floating position, and the ShipLoad program will calculate the necessary WB operations – both the quantity and the sequence of operations.
- Easy change of buoyancy model for vessels with moon-pools, fish carriers, barges etc. that will routinely open compartments to sea.
- Detailed crane loading calculations (both single and twin jib configuration).
Strength module
- Longitudinal strength verification against Class limits.
- Advanced Lightship Weight distribution options.
- Advanced Shear Force correction options.
- Hull deflection calculations based on Hull Girder input (hull steel structure).
- Residual strength computations based on damage definitions.
Damage stability version
- Damage Stability computation according to the selected computation method and Rules (MARPOL, SOLAS, National Rules, etc.).
- Direct DamStab calculations based on the actual vessel geometry.
- Different Rule-sets can be implemented for vessels operating under several rules regimes, allowing the user to change between sets.
Emergency response version
- User-specified damage cases.
- Grounding / beaching calculations.
- Outflow calculations.
- Residual strength option (required under ISM).
Online module
Interfacing ShipLoad to the tank level and draught gauges will greatly simplify the use of the system. The interfacing can be implemented on several levels:
- Read only: Levels will be read by ShipLoad and used in the system – no control signals sent back from ShipLoad.
- Integration to the vessel's ballast control system for full WB operating capabilities from within ShipLoad. This means that filling and emptying of tanks can be controlled from ShipLoad – either automatically, where the system will maintain a certain floating position by adjusting the WB levels, or manually, where each operation is initiated separately by the operator.
- Full Water Ballast advisory package, including WB Exchange function, and full integration with the Vessel's WB Control system (will enable the system to be run in automatic mode, meaning that the system will monitor, control and execute the required changes to maintain the specified operational condition).
Interfacing to cargo control systems also possible for tankers and self-unloading bulk vessels, allowing a full integration between the Cargo Control System and the Loading Instrument.
Vessel-specific versions
- Tanker version including Advanced Cargo Details (API calculations, ROB/OBQ, GOV, Wedge calculations, sluice valve options, etc.), unified cargo distribution (option).
- Bulk vessel module including (unified) cargo distribution, loading and discharge planning, full grain stability capabilities, etc.
Hull performance – Speed optimization options
- Advanced modules for hull performance/resistance calculations (hull / propeller fouling), trim optimization, optimum speed calculations, economic speed calculations, plus the associated reporting functions available on special request.
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