Vessel Capability Analysis, StatCap

Vessel Capability Analysis, StatCap

Kongsberg Maritime offers a service for assessing the station keeping capability of DP vessels on client requests. A Web service which provide customers with an easy access to basic station keeping capability assessments is also available.

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Kongsberg Maritime has developed the StatCap program to assess the station keeping capabilities of a vessel, with respect to intact condition and relevant failures. These capabilities are associated with the vessel’s DP class notations and/or mission specific operational conditions. The program incorporates the thrust allocation algorithm used in the K-Pos DP system, to give realistic station keeping capability in the different scenarios analysed.

The static desktop analysis can provide

  • Capability envelope with limiting wind speed
  • Capability envelope with thrust utilization for preselected environment conditions
  • Calculation of environmental load characteristics to be used by both analysis and into the DP control system vessel model
  • Vessel benchmarking numbers (ABS SKP, BV ESK1, DNVGL ERN and ST Level 1 & 2)

The StatCap program includes suite of programs, e.g. to generate lateral and frontal area projections from vessel GA, calculate new load coefficients or scale load coefficients from similar vessels, assess DP capability according to various standards and produce reports. The program complies to the DNVGL-ST-0111 standard and the older DNV ERN/ern* methodology. Analyses and reports according to ABS SKP notations and BV ESKI notations are also supported.

StatCap ERN

The StatCap Web Service program provides customers with an easy access to basic DP capability assessments. This service generates a limited DP capability assessment report. The report should be presented together with a basic report. A vessel specific report is created by KM and delivered to customer for each workspace published on the web service. This report contains among other things a list of references used for the analyses.

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