The BAP CARRASCO is an oceanographic and polar research vessel. It was built for the Peruvian Navy by the Spanish shipbuilding company Construcciones Navales P Freire. Launched in May 2016 in Vigo, Spain, the vessel is designed to collect and characterise information from the marine environment for a host of different applications. These applications include nautical charting, seabed mapping, geological composition of the continental shelf and monitoring of active geological faults. Additionally, the data will analyse physical, chemical, oceanographic and biological variations to monitor the El Niño phenomenon in real time.
95.3m long and 18m wide, BAP Carrasco can carry 50 members of crew, as well as up to 60 scientists to conduct water sampling and seabed inspections.
The vessel includes a variety of KONGSBERG systems designed to tackle demanding scientific missions. These systems include:
- EM122 deep water multibeam echo sounder
- SBP 120 sub-bottom profiler, with a range of 11,000 metres depth
- EA600 hydrographic single beam echo sounder with frequencies 12kHz, 38kHz and 200kHz
- Simrad EK80 single-beam echo sounder with 5 multiple frequency ranges from 10 kHz to 300kHz.
- Two HUGIN AUVs operational down to 3000m
- HiPAP (high precision acoustic positioning system)
All transducers installed at the hull of the vessel are fully protected from ice impact with rugged acoustics windows.