The KONGSBERG technology package for the Swedish A26 submarines will consist of SA9510S Mine Avoidance and Navigation Sonars specially designed for submarine applications and a bottom navigation package containing EM2040 multibeam echo sounders, Side Scan Sonars, Sub Bottom Profilers and hydrographic echo sounders.
The SA9510S sonar detects mines, obstacles and the sea-floor in a wide swath ahead of the submarine, generating target warnings or alarms within sufficient time to perform avoidance manoeuvres. It is a vital tool providing information to crew for bottom navigation purposes and submerged navigation. The SA9510S sonar has the ability to detect and display the bottom profile in several selected horizontal directions in front of the submarine. Mine-seeking and submerged navigation can be performed simultaneously.
"The KONGSBERG active sonar suite enables next generation submarines to operate safely in extreme shallow and confined water. This contract is an important confirmation that our technology is preferred when sonars are procured in open international competition," said Thomas Hostvedt Dahle, Director of Sales for Naval sonars in Kongsberg Maritime.