Kongsberg Maritime Ltd has developed new training courses based on the company's products for the offshore survey industry. The courses will be conducted from Kongsberg Maritime Ltd's state-of-the-art Westhill, Aberdeen training centre with an on-water practical element.
The first courses will start in spring, with a focus initially on the use of the HiPAP (High Precision Acoustic Positioning) system by Offshore Surveyors and Offshore Survey Engineers, in two separate courses. As an established tool for offshore survey applications, course participants will learn how to configure, operate and apply HiPAP to achieve highly accurate results.
The HiPAP training courses and future courses for the survey industry will have a practical element designed to give participants hands on experience of KONGSBERG products, in order to improve their learning experience. Kongsberg Maritime Ltd has chartered the vessel True North, based out of Stonehaven, to conduct the practical element of the courses.
Designed with consideration to IMCA Competence & Assurance Guidelines for Offshore Survey, the new courses join an established training programme at Kongsberg Maritime Ltd’s sophisticated training facility. The curriculum at Westhill includes a wide range of industry-standard courses for UK and international maritime and offshore customers.
"The HiPAP courses are just the start of a full programme of training for offshore surveyors and survey engineers that will focus on using high-end technology and techniques to achieve the best survey results," comment Euan Duncan, Training Manager, Kongsberg Maritime Ltd. "Throughout the year we will introduce new courses designed for the offshore survey industry including training dedicated to efficient and optimal use of multibeam systems, HAIN subsea and AUVs."
Building on the current portfolio of Dynamic Positioning, Automation and Acoustic Positioning courses, the creation of these new courses will allow the company to offer a range of Subsea courses focussing on both the technical and operational aspects of Kongsberg Maritime Subsea technology.