KONGSBERG launches new laser based DP reference system for offshore applications

Reliability and ease of operation in focus for new dynamic positioning reference system

Kongsberg Seatex is launching SpotTrack, an advanced multi-target laser based relative position reference system. SpotTrack delivers accurate range and bearing measurements and is primarily intended for Dynamic Positioning (DP) operations. Novel technical solutions provide users with a range of benefits.


SpotTrack is a highly robust, yet lightweight, motion stabilised rotating laser sensor offering precision range and bearing readings to one or multiple retro-reflective targets. As a multi-target sensor, SpotTrack uses an advanced detection system and tracking algorithms for true target recognition – minimising lock-on to false reflections. Motion stabilisation provides improved target lock on a moving platform. SpotTrack can utilise already established, optical targets.

"Laser based reference systems represent an established technology, but SpotTrack introduces a new level of reliability and ease of operation for this type of product. The sensor itself is a completely sealed unit, with all moving parts housed inside, so the system is less prone to mechanical wear from exposure to the elements. By this approach we have created a more durable product well adapted to the requirements of critical operations, and with the benefit of less costly maintenance," explains Vidar Bjørkedal, VP Sales & Customer Support, Kongsberg Seatex AS.

The SpotTrack is based on a proven DP reference system technology and is typically used in conjunction with satellite positioning, microwave based systems and subsea positioning. It can act as one of the three position reference systems required for the DP3 Class.

"With the addition of SpotTrack to our extensive reference systems portfolio, KONGSBERG Dynamic Positioning customers now have the choice of a complete range of above surface and subsea reference systems developed by KONGSBERG," adds Gard Ueland, President of Kongsberg Seatex AS.

Though SpotTrack will primarily be used as a DP reference system, it can support other operations including automatic docking systems and vessel traffic monitoring. By utilising roll and pitch stabilisation from a motion reference unit, (KONGSBERG MRU) SpotTrack can track targets even at high elevation angles. This makes it suitable for close-by operations, such as 3D positioning for maritime construction.