High resolution, high accuracy co-registered bathymetry & side scan data

GeoAcoustics Ltd (Great Yarmouth, UK) and Hydroid Inc. (Pocasset, MA), both Kongsberg Maritime companies, have been integrating the GeoSwath Plus wide swath sonar with the Remus 100 man-portable AUV. In late 2009 a 500kHz GeoSwath Plus (GS+) was deployed on a Remus 100 for a survey of Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, USA. The AUV was also equipped with a full navigation package including a Kearfott T16 Inertial navigation System aided by an RDL Doppler Velocity Log. This configuration allows the man-portable Remus 100 to collect high resolution, high accuracy co-registered bathymetry and side scan survey data.
Excellent quality
Two surveys were carried out, 4 lines 500m long for system calibration in Megansett Harbour and 8 lines 700m long for a survey trial in the bay, with the lines running across the shipping channel leading to Cape Cod Canal. Lines were run at 3m constant depth and the bathymetry data was processed in the GS+ software using an 80m swath width. The excellent quality of the navigation and depth mapping was demonstrated in the survey results, with clear definition of a 40cm high 10m period sand wave field in the shipping channel.
Successful integration
This survey trial was the end result of a successful integration project to combine the most widely used interferometric mapping sonar with the most successful small AUV, both systems manufactured by Kongsberg Maritime companies. Through linking these advanced technologies Kongsberg continues to bring the full subsea picture into sharper focus.