On May 9th 2007 in Trondheim, Norway, Kongsberg Seatex AS will be demonstrating high accuracy maritime applications using available GNSS, AIS, EGNOS and software simulations to raise awareness of the potential of the future European satellite navigation system Galileo in the maritime sector.
The first of four MARUSE public demonstrations
The MARUSE project within the 6th Framework Programme for Research and Technology Development is funded by the GNSS Supervisory Authority (GSA). This is the first of four MARUSE public demonstrations, all of which are aimed at demonstrating future Galileo performance for the maritime community.
High accuracy
Requirements of sub-decimetre level accuracy on maritime applications, places increasing demands on improved availability, continuity and integrity of satellite signals. Currently available satellite navigation systems (GPS and Glonass) are in some situations insufficient to reach such demanding requirements, mainly due to signal shadowing and non-availability of differential corrections and integrity data. The demonstration in Trondheim aims to present how Galileo, Galileo Local Elements and EGNOS can help satisfy the requirements and also how Galileo can be used in combination with the currently available satellite navigation systems to enhance the overall performance. A research vessel owned by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology will be used to run a demonstration of a high accuracy relative operation.