EM 302 multibeam echo sounder

The new EM 302 will include all the features of the EM 300 multibeam echo sounder, the current market leading product for marine geology mapping of seabed for depths to 5000 – 6000m. It will also utilise chirp technology to obtain extended range capability for surveying from the shoreline right through to beyond continental rises. EM 302 will also provide high-density signal processing as well as increased number of soundings for improved resolution.
Eliminates interference
The SBP 300 multibeam sediment profiler has been developed for integration with the EM 302 echo sounder. SBP 300 is a powerful FM chirp system with narrow stabilised beams that cover a swath of up to 30 degrees and offers a typical sediment penetration of 100 msec for water depths to 5000m. The system works with multiple pulses in the water and uses a special pulse shading mechanism to eliminate interference with other acoustic systems. 3D imaging of sediment structure is also possible.
EM 122 multibeam echo sounder

The EM 122 will have all the characteristics of the EM 120 multibeam echo sounder, which is currently the preferred system for mapping of the seabed to full ocean depth. A wider swath and higher survey efficiency than any other deepwater mapping system will be made possible with the new EM 122. It will also use similar technology to EM 302 for improved resolution.
Even more accuracy
“Multibeam echo sounders have been highly proficient in obtaining 100% coverage of the bottom of the seabed,” comments Freddy Pøhner at Kongsberg Maritime. “Although we already offer some of the most preferred echo sounders for both inshore and offshore tasks, we continue to develop and innovate. Our latest multibeam echo sounders will provide even more accuracy and efficiency to suit many applications.”