Demonstrating the scope of «The Full Picture», Simrad Spain SL announces the signing of the public tender contract with M. Cies Shipyards in Vigo for the supply of navigation and hydroacoustic equipment for two new fishery research vessels. The contract was signed on behalf of the Secretaria General de Pesca, for vessels belonging to the Spanish Fishery Ministry, and will assist in the creation of a bigger, more modern fleet for the Spanish Research Institution.
Complete integration
Several reasons including complete integration, similar project references and local support capability factored in KONGSBERG and SIMRAD being chosen for the contract. Additionally, the Secretaria’s previous experience with Simrad, onboard the «R/V Vizconde de Eza» played a large part in the choice of the extensive package. With equipment from six Kongsberg Maritime and SIMRAD departments, the new research vessels will be more than capable of continuing the excellent work already carried out by the «R/V Vizconde de Eza».
70 metre multipurpose vessel
largest vessel of the two will be a 70 metre multipurpose vessel due for delivery
at the end of 2006. It will conduct full ocean research operation and be equipped
- Scientific equipment: Multibeam echosounder - EM302 Marine data management - MDM 400 Hydrographic echosounder - EA600 Seapath 200 Parametric sub bottom profiler - TOPAS PS18 Acoustic doppler current profiler - ADCP
- Fishery sonar equipment: Multifrequency echosounder - EK60 Net sounder - ITI Net sonar - FS20/25 Synchronising unit - SSU
- Integrated bridge navigation: Autopilot - AP50 Gyro - CG80 AIS - AI80 SART - SA50 Electronic chart system - CS56 Communications Radars - DataBridge 10 Voyage Data Recorder - MMB Dynamic Positioning system - SDP10
27 metre vessel for coastal studies
27 metre vessel for coastal continental shelf studies (ESPACE project) will be delivered
at the end of 2005 and will be equipped with:
- Scientific equipment: Multibeam echosounder - EM3002 D Hydrographic echosounder - EA600 Sound velocity sensors and dGPS receivers - SeaPath 200 Parametric sub bottom profiler - TOPAS PS40
- Fishery sonar equipment: Fishery Sonar - SH40 Multifrequency echosounder - EK60 Net sounder - ITI
- Bridge navigation: Autopilot Radar Gyro Electronic chart system Communications
High level of collaboration
In addition to the supply of navigation and scientific equipment, the contract also covers the full commissioning and training for both vessels. This requires close collaboration between Kongsberg Maritime and its subsidiary Simrad, and the various departments from each company. Additionally, a high level of collaboration between the involved parties (owner, shipyard, engineering offices and supplier) has been achieved, which has generated big expectations on the success of the project.
Many Spanish references
Simrad Spain SL has a strong pedigree in the supply of navigation and scientific equipment to Spanish research vessels. Since 1997, the company has supplied both Kongsberg Maritime and Simrad equipment to «R/V Hespérides» for the High Research Council (CSIC), R/V «Vizconde de Eza» for fishery research, «R/V Cornide de Saavedra» and «R/V Fco. de Paula Navarro» for the Oceanographic Institute, and «H/V Tofiño», «H/L Astrolabio» and «H/L Escandallo» for the Navy Hydrographic Institute.