The Shipping and Transport College (STC) in Rotterdam has awarded Kongsberg Maritime with a contract for the supply and installation of an extensive new suite of engine and navigation simulators for its new premises in Rotterdam.
Largest in Holland
STC is the largest maritime training institution in Holland and one of the world leaders in educational and training programmes for operational and management functions in shipping, transport and logistics. The institution has 3500 students and offers over 2000 different course modules. In September this year, the organisation will move into new seaside premises in Rotterdam, which boast a 2300m2 state-of-the-art simulator centre.
Engine room simulator
Based on a MAN B&W 5l90MC the high-end operational engine room simulator replicates a very large crude carrier with a slow speed turbo charged diesel engine and is modelled with a fixed controllable propeller. The electrical plant includes 2 diesel generators, one turbo generator/motor and one 180kW emergency generator. The steam plant includes D-type steam boiler, exhaust boiler, four cargo turbines, ballast turbine and condensing and feed water systems. All control room and bridge panels are included.
Interactive mimic
This is one of the most sophisticated engine room simulators developed by Kongsberg Maritime and includes the new BigView, interactive mimic screen. The BigView makes familiarisation of the simulated engine plant far more efficient and exciting compared to existing methods and provides a unique overview of the events.
Additional simulation systems
The simulator centre will feature a large desktop simulation system that will include several models for engine room and cargo handling simulation. The order also includes a large new bridge and a comprehensive upgrade package of the existing full mission bridge simulator.