Tank Monitoring System

Classification society Certificate type Expires
Korean Register Type Approval GL-300 26.08.2029
Bureau Veritas Type Approval GL-300 12.05.2028
American Bureau of Shipping Type Approval CLS 04.06.2028
American Bureau of Shipping Design Assessment CLS KMCS (FTZ) 26.09.2024
China Classification Society Type Approval CLS 13.11.2028
Class NK (Nippon Kaiji Kyokai) Type Approval CLS 05.10.2024
DNV Type Approval GL-300 30.06.2025
Lloyd's Register Type Approval GL-300 21.09.2024
Nemko IECEx GL-120 Level Gauging Radar Sensor 31.12.2099
Nemko IECEx GLK100 31.12.2099
Nemko IECEx GLA-100/3 31.12.2099
Nemko Ec type-examination GL-120 Level Gauging Radar Sensor 31.12.1999
Nemko Ec type-examination (Model: GLH-92) (GL-90/GL-100) 31.12.2030
DNV INMETRO Certificate GLK-300 Signal Processing Unit 21.10.2030
Presafe IECEx Certificate of conformity (Inclinometer GL-2263/EXD) 31.12.2099
Presafe Ec-Type Examination Certificate GLK-300 Signal Processing Unit 31.12.2030
Russian Maritime Register of Shipping Type Approval CLS 29.11.2021
SIRA ATEX Ec Type-Examination (GLA-300 / GLA-310) 31.12.2030
SIRA IECEx Certificate of conformity (GLA-300 / GLA-310) 31.12.2030
DNV INMETRO Certificate for GLA-300 / GLA-310 21.10.2030
DnV Product Assurance AS IECEx Certificate of conformity for RCM-300 and HCM-300 31.12.2050
DnV Product Assurance AS ATEX EU-Type Examination certificate for RCM-300 and HCM-300 31.12.2050