Following 9/11, the US Coast Guard was charged with assessing the level of threat, and the capability to deal with it, within every US port. A large concern was the threat of malicious swimmers and divers to commercial piers, government and military vessels, cruise ships, terminals and other high-value assets. The IAS program was developed in response to this threat.
KONGSBERG underwater surveillance system technology forms the basis of the IAS system and combined with software enables the IAS teams to detect, track, classify, localize, notify and respond to potential underwater threats. The system's processor captures a wide acoustic swath and then classifies the acquired contacts and alerts system operators to their presence. Sonar images positively identify whether the detection is a swimmer (threat) and not just debris, marine life or some other object.
The system design is mobile and is deployed when necessary to protect high-valued assets and events. The additional components supplied by KONGSBERG will further enhance the US Coast Guard's IAS program and its future success.
About Kongsberg Underwater Technology Inc.
Since 1990 Kongsberg Underwater Technology Inc. has been established in Lynnwood, Washington as the North American centre for hydrographic survey systems engineering, production, integration and customer support. Kongsberg Underwater Technology Inc. is a leading supplier to the U.S. Navy, academic institutions and commercial markets for underwater acoustic systems and solutions. Kongsberg Underwater Technology Inc. is a division of Kongsberg Maritime.
About Kongsberg Mesotech Ltd.
Kongsberg Mesotech Ltd., (KML) based in Port Coquitlam Canada is the manufacturer of these diver detection sonar. KML supplies a worldwide customer base with a range of products for defence, fisheries, oilfield, scientific and other underwater acoustic applications. KML is also part of Kongsberg Maritime.