KONGSBERG has launched a new sustainability strategy for the period 2018 to 2022. Global challenges are the starting point for a variety of business opportunities for KONGSBERG.
“Sustainable thinking is not an alternative way of thinking, but a prerequisite for sound operation over the coming decades. Technological development is crucial for creating a more sustainable society. Technology companies like KONGSBERG have a key role to play in resolving the global and environmental climate challenges that the world faces”, says KONGSBERG CEO Geir Håøy.
Sustainable operation will be necessary in order to obtain a “licence to operate”. It is expected by customers, authorities, owners, employees and the next generation coming to the labour market.
It is a fundamental prerequisite that the sustainability strategy be integrated and operationalised in the business areas and individual disciplines of the Group’s business strategies.
BOLD DECISIONS A clear and deliberate shift towards sustainability will strengthen the group’s ability to take on leading global positions in the future. A focus on sustainable business opportunities will be the primary objective, while at the same time, attention will also be directed towards sustainable internal operations.
“What does sustainability mean for KONGSBERG?”
“In our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, sustainable development is described as follows: ‘Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs’”, explains Compliance Officer Lene Svenne.
“The megatrends and the UN goals overlap to a large extent and both are assessed from a perspective of opportunity and risk. How to be involved in contributing to climate-friendly solutions for our customers will be a key part of KONGSBERG’s strategy in the future”, says Compliance Officer Lene Svenne in KONGSBERG.
“KONGSBERG is committed to achieving sustainable development in our operations and to striking a good balance between financial results, value creation and corporate social responsibility. The value created will benefit owners, stakeholders and society at large”, continues Svenne.
Commercial opportunities that aim to promote a sustainable future will be part of KONGSBERG’s strategic considerations. KONGSBERG will use its skills and expertise to contribute to the development of a sustainable future.
“In the first part of the strategy period, we will take some time to define what this means for KONGSBERG in terms of operation”, explains Svenne.
“Important challenges that society will face in the future will need solutions, and it will be possible to resolve many of the challenges using technology in fields that are relevant to us. New technological solutions will be needed to meet society’s challenges in areas such as energy, transport, food and security”.
KONGSBERG will be well-positioned to assist here, with advanced, cutting-edge technologies. For KONGSBERG, it will mean contributing to a sustainable society and benefiting from the good commercial opportunities presented by the need for solutions.
GLOBAL MEGATRENDS AND UN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS In a world where change is happening at an increasing pace, it is essential to be able to look to the future and prepare for the changes to come. The strategy has its starting point in Global Megatrends, as described in the UN Global Compact IMPACT document prepared by DnvGL. In addition, the UN’s 17 main goals for sustainable development are considered.
“The megatrends and the UN goals overlap to a large extent and both are assessed from a perspective of opportunity and risk. How to be involved in contributing to climate-friendly solutions for our customers will be a key part of KONGSBERG’s strategy in the future”, says Svenne.
“What plans does KONGSBERG have for the strategy period between now and 2022?”
“We will be working systematically on skills development and ‘toolboxes’ which will enable the business areas to incorporate these into their own strategy work. We will hold workshops with the business areas and the Group, and we will follow up on the sustainability strategy with specific action plans and reporting to management and the board”, concludes Lene Svenne.