“What kind of mandate does the KONGSBERG Technology Forum have?”
“It’s our responsibility to explain KONGSBERG’s opinions and intentions when it comes to technology. Internally, we’re going to be working on technological strategies and business development and will act as an advisory body to corporate management. We’ll play an active role with our strategic partners, such as NTNU (Norwegian university of science and technology), SINTEF (foundation for scientific and industrial research) and FFI (Norwegian Defence Research Establishment). We will actively cooperate with innovation agencies such as Forskningsrådet (Research Council of Norway), the EU and other important authorities.
Internally, we will be knowledgeable about the technology that KONGSBERG possesses, be clear about what we should be good at, and we will identify areas where we need to develop. One such example is digitalisation, where we are doing a lot to improve on the technology side of things.”
“Which technology areas will KONGSBERG focus on in the future?”
“We have prioritised a few areas, one of which is autonomy. KONGSBERG already scores high on autonomy; take, for example, dynamic positioning as an autonomous function that keeps vessels in position without the use of anchors. We have the NSM (Naval Strike Missile) and JSM (Joint Strike Missile) missiles that fly autonomously, and we have subsea vessels such as HUGIN, REMUS and MUNIN. Our competence level is very high, but we must continue to lead the development within this area. Much of the development within the area of autonomy concerns understanding the surroundings and responding in a safe and predictable manner. This is where we need to focus on development.”
“Another focus area for KONGSBERG going forward is Ocean Space, which, to a large extent, involves sustainable utilisation of marine resources. Why will Ocean Space be so important for KONGSBERG going forward?”
“There are many domestic and international strategies that are focused on Ocean Space, and the topic has gained a lot of attention. KONGSBERG is an Ocean Space company, so this fits our business very well. Regarding traditional transport and everything else that concerns operations within Ocean Space, we are already there.
Within the traditional areas, we need to defend our positions and make them even stronger. But then new opportunities arise—ones in which we have an ongoing focus in order to realise our share of the value chain—such as offshore wind. The same applies to aquaculture, where we are strategically taking care of future opportunities that we expect to follow.”