The Vanguard Solution

The Vanguard solution is developed based on the standardisation of fleet and systems. It is centred on handling day-to-day tasks as part of maintaining good order at sea. With increasing geopolitical volatility, the concept also has the flexibility to undertake naval warfare tasks, provided the necessary prerequisites are met. 

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The major components in the Vanguard solution consist of:  

  • Two baseline solutions for respectively Blue and Sheltered water operations.  
  • UxVs, modules and toolboxes to augment the BWP, SWP in their roles as coastguard and naval vessels, with naval warfare tasks. 

The Vanguard Solution consists of two baseline platforms which can achieve enhanced capabilities by adding toolboxes and modules.

1. The Vanguard Solution Platforms 

The two platform designs, shown in the figure below, follow a standardisation philosophy and can support coastguard and naval warfare tasks, depending on their module and toolbox configuration.

They are also adaptable for other naval roles with minimal conversion. Each design comes in a base configuration that integrates various modules and toolboxes to enhance capabilities.

The BWP can additionally be built with a larger hangar to accommodate more unmanned surface vessels (USVs). Platform dimensions may vary based on configuration. To maximise standardisation benefits, all fleet platforms should be designed simultaneously, ensuring consistent layout and system design

2. Fleet flexibility 

The system capabilities required for coastguard and navy missions are distinctly different. The coastguard must remain operational and resilient in extreme peacetime conditions up to and including crises, while the navy must be prepared to engage an enemy in conflict and war. Combining these extremes into a single system risk making it multi-useless rather than multi-capable. 

A key challenge is therefore to develop future capabilities in a balanced way, without overwhelming them with either set of requirements. Each vessel does not need to handle all tasks simultaneously, but by incorporating different toolboxes and modules, the fleet’s overall capabilities are enhanced. 

3. Vanguard modules 

The modules are a combination of installed (Baseline) and/or deployable systems. The installed baseline modules include sensor and weapon systems that require more complex installation and integration. Examples include radar and antenna systems mounted on a wheelhouse and sonar systems requiring hull interfaces.

The deployable modules can contain a variety of equipment, such as towing and salvage gear, SAR equipment, sensors, weapons, vehicles, spares, and maintenance tools. To simplify storage, handling, and exchange, these modules will, where possible, be designed to ISO standard container interfaces. This enables rapid mission changes, eliminating the need for prolonged maintenance periods, lengthy refits for new missions, and midlife update cycles pier-side, ultimately increasing the fleet’s operational availability compared to traditional maintenance cycles. Deployable modules can also include organic UxVs, providing extended coverage across air, surface, and subsurface domains.

These systems are operated via the Combat Management System (CMS), designed for manned-unmanned teaming (MUM-T). The use of UxVs enables a different approach to risk assessment for both the vessel’s crew and the platform itself, extending operational endurance from mere hours in manned operations to days or even weeks when operated autonomously. 

Fleet elasticity 

To summarise the Vanguard Solution, the concept can be illustrated as having a certain "fleet elasticity," as shown in the figure below.

This includes:  

  • Fleet expansion: Ability to quickly and cost-effectively increase the number of platforms. 

  • Dynamic fleet capabilities: Enhancing fleet capabilities by deploying modules and toolboxes on the platforms. 

  • Fleet flexibility: Enabling task transfer or changeover between platforms through the use of toolboxes. 

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