The PROTECTOR RS4 is the world’s most fielded Remote Weapon System with more than 20,000 units delivered and in use by customers around the globe.
The PROTECTOR RS4 a highly flexible system designed for small and medium caliber weapons including mounting of coaxial weapons and Anti Tank Guided Missiles. An advanced and modular Sensor suite (Day, Night, LRF) enables unique and tailorable situational awareness. The fully stabilized 2 + 2 Axis (Detached Line of Sight) system enables the gunner to keep his sights on target, independent of ballistic solution for the weapon and ammunition in use. The system is platform-independent and can be operated both by land and sea platforms.
A 5th Generation Open Architecture fully GVA compliant Fire Control System with a user-oriented HMI enables integrations of:
- DDS based Integrated Computer Systems (ICS) for exchange of targets and situational awareness
- Battle Management Systems (BMS)
- Defensive systems support: (APS, laser warning)
- Situational awareness support and threats view
The PROTECTOR RWS includes a network-based Fire Control System which enables features like:
- Multi User Capability (Commander, gunner and or other Crew members switch control of one RWS)
- Multi Weapon Stations (One operator controls several RWS, in vehicle or for Camp- or Perimeter protection)
- Network and Wireless operations (UGV or stationary platforms)
- Manned-Unmanned Teaming capability for remote control on vehicle or by dismounted personnel
The PROTECTOR RS4 is a mature and proven product based on millions of hours of operational experience in combat zones combined with close cooperation with Defence Forces worldwide for continual system enhancement to meet new user requirements and leverage new technology.
The PROTECTOR has an unprecedented Operational Readiness Rate of 99% and low life cycle costs. The PROTECTOR RS4 has been continuously updated to reflect the new customer’s operational requirements. Several types of cooled and uncooled Thermal Imagers, day cameras, weapons and Anti Tank Guided Missiles can be integrated based on customer requirements.