Leading VTS and AIS specialist, Kongsberg Norcontrol IT has won the contract to supply the Vessel Traffic Service scheme for the Øresund Sound area, where the Øresund Bridge links Denmark and Sweden. The Swedish Maritime Administration and the Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and Hydrography (RDANH) awarded Kongsberg Norcontrol IT the project amid strong competition.
The VTS will form the core of a monitoring and information centre for the ship traffic in the Øresund Sound. The control centre will be in Malmö Sweden, where Kongsberg Norcontrol IT will integrate three operator stations running the advanced VTMIS 5060 solution and five works stations for pilot dispatching. Four Radars are required, with two to be installed on the Swedish side and two on the Danish side of the Sound.
"This is a high profile, high traffic domain where reliable and accurate VTS is required to ensure safety of all vessels in the area, and the Øresund Bridge itself," says Reidar Olsen, Key Account Manager, Kongsberg Norcontrol IT.
Kongsberg Norcontrol IT already supplies the Swedish East and West coast VTS schemes, which both use the VTMIS 5060, a market leading Vessel Traffic Management and Information Service solution, which has been installed at VTS sites throughout the world. It provides a scaleable, highly stable architecture for creating advanced VTS systems. The Øresund system will integrate AIS data from both the Swedish and Danish AIS networks.
The Øresund Sound VTS, which will be known as the Sound VTS, will be operational mid-June 2007.
EndsMarch 2007
Photo, l eft to right: Lars-Gøran Ånefors, Head of Maritime Traffic Department, Swedish Maritime Administration, Omar Frits Eriksson, Head of Aids to Navigation Division, Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and Hydrography, Reidar Olsen, Key Account Manager