Practise and follow-up
KONGSBERG respects local legislation in the countries where we operate.
KONGSBERG is subject to Norwegian and international legislation, regulations and conventions. We are also subject to local legislation and regulations in the areas in which we operate. Some Norwegian legislation applies outside the country's borders, e.g. the provisions of the penal code that refers to corruption and trading in influence.
Compliance with applicable laws and regulations and internal requirements is an important part of our corporate governance activities. This Code is approved by the Board of Directors in KONGSBERG.
The number of regulations and enforcement activities are growing internationally. It is more important than ever that all our employees and KONGSBERG representatives are aware of, knowledgeable of, and act according to applicable regulations. KONGSBERG will on a continuous basis improve our compliance system with regards to implementing regulatory amendments combined with best practices and learning from internal and external experiences. Employees should provide feedback on matters perceived as positive as well as negative, to protect the company, our colleagues and our stakeholders. KONGSBERG encourages all who become aware of potential violations of this Code, relevant laws and regulations or KONGSBERG governing documents, to notify appropriate company personnel.