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Revolve NTNU is the winner of Formula Student Netherlands 2024

Since its inception in 2010, Revolve has distinguished itself as an innovative and skilled team, consistently securing podium finishes year after year. However, they have never reached the very top and claimed an overall first place. Therefore, Revolve NTNU is extremely proud to announce that they have secured their first-ever overall victory!

Despite an early start to the competition and challenging weather conditions, the team worked efficiently and purposefully, with a highly reliable car. This resulted in a first-place finish in autocross, where the drivers truly excelled. The team also won the efficiency category, a testament to the car's speed and energy efficiency.

Additionally, the team performed strongly in all static events, achieving an incredibly impressive first place in engineering design. This confirms that all the hard work over the past eight months has resulted in a car that is both theoretically and practically superior.

This victory belongs not only to Team 24 but is the result of the dedication, ambition, and innovation of 14 dedicated teams who have set ambitious goals and continually pushed to be the best. They also share this victory with Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and their sponsors. Revolve's sponsors have provided critical support, sharing our values and vision, and many have been with them since the beginning.

“I didn’t think Team 2024 could impress me more than they did when we unveiled Hera in May. I was wrong. The dedication, effort, and ambition that Team 2024 has shown throughout the year took on a whole new dimension here in the Netherlands, and it’s fantastic to see such an interdisciplinary team achieve victory together. Now, Hera and Team 2024 await the rest of the season, and I have no doubt that we are ready to compete against other top teams for podium finishes in Germany and Hungary,” says Madeleine Strømsheim, Project Manager Team 2024, Revolve NTNU.

Next, the team will compete in Hungary and Germany, aiming for victory.

Revolve NTNU was founded in 2010 and is a voluntary student organization with the goal of creating world-class engineers and leaders. KONGSBERG is a proud sponsor of Revolve NTNU, who is a multidisciplinary team of students from 20 different majors. Each year, the team develops, designs, and builds an electric and autonomous race car from scratch.

Their focus is on the learning outcomes for their members, which is reflected in their vision: From theory to practice. Team R24 consists of 70 members from 18 different study fields, ranging from Cybernetics and Robotics to Economics and Administration. Revolve NTNU is among the world's top teams in Formula Student, the largest engineering competition for students.