Position Mooring System, K-Pos PM / DPM
Position Mooring System, K-Pos PM / DPM
The low-frequency motion of a moored vessel can be automatically reduced by use of a computer-controlled thruster system. The thruster system can also be used to actively reduce tension in individual lines, or to assist the position mooring system winches in moving the vessel from one position to another.

Customer benefits
- Automatically monitor the vessel's overall mooring pattern and the lengths and tensions of individual anchor lines
- Automatically monitor the vessel's position relative to a reference point established by a position reference system
- Automatically control the vessel's thruster systems to dampen vessel oscillations or to maintain the vessel's position
- Reduce the tension in individual anchor lines, or to actively assist the anchor winches in moving the vessel to a new position
- Perform analysis of the consequences of anchor line breaks or thruster failures according to the operational situation
- Detect and compensate for line breaks
Position mooring system simulation
The position mooring system also incorporates extensive facilities for simulating a wide range of scenarios, thus enabling operators to train and prepare for operational situations with widely varying environmental conditions.
Lifecycle support for your vessel
24/7 Technical support
Our 24/7 technical support team is there to help at any time, day or night, wherever your vessel is.
Conversions, retrofit and refit
Upgrading and enhancing your vessel’s performance.
Maximise crew efficiency and reduce downtime with expert training.