The naval Remote Weapon System
PROTECTOR RS4 Naval provides unique operational capabilities to counter threats and enhances overall ship protection. The system provides exceptional capabilities for harbor defense and is well suited for naval ships and patrol craft of all types and classes. Multiple weapon stations can be networked and operated from the Combat-and Bridge Systems.
Effectiveness and sustainability of ammunition are achieved through the combination of increased hit accuracy and reduced salvo sizes. PROTECTOR RS4 Naval provides increased protection against the corrosive environment at sea with an integrated cleaning system to remove sea spray and salt from the sensor lenses.
Operational capability
The PROTECTOR family of Remote Weapon Systems are suitable for any missions whether on land or at sea, on mobile or static platforms for remote operation of payloads ranging from small caliber weapons to medium caliber automatic cannons. The system is modular, and all of the different variants of the PROTECTOR family share the same baseline technology.
The PROTECTOR systems are built for operation in extreme environmental conditions with capabilities that allow soldiers to operate from a protected position using stabilized precision optics and laser to observe, detect and engage targets with increased accuracy and reduced collateral damage. PROTECTOR is a mature and proven product based on millions of hours of operational experience in combat zones combined with close cooperation with Defence Forces worldwide. The PROTECTOR has an unprecedented Operational Readiness Rate of 99%.
PROTECTOR RS4 Naval use carries forward the exceptional and uniquely proven operational record and reliability of PROTECTOR into the naval environment.