Remote Weapon Systems for low-recoil 30mm cannons.

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The PROTECTOR RS6 is an extension of the existing PROTECTOR family providing enhanced operational capability by use of a low-recoil 30mm cannon. In addition to the powerful M230 LF 30mm cannon as the main weapon, the PROTECTOR RS6 offers modularity for a single weapon, dual weapon and even a triple weapon configuration where the M230LF main weapon, 7.62mm coax weapon and an Anti-Tank Weapon can be installed simultaneously.

This flexibility and modularity provides the capability for high power arms for many operational needs and switching between the installed weapons are easily performed by the operator from the intuitive Human Machine Interface.

A versatile system architecture enables support for future integrations such as Stinger missile and other effectors. The system is designed with a balanced Sight Servo Assembly which automatically compensates for the parallax between the sights and the weapon axis.


The PROTECTOR family of Remote Weapon Systems are suitable for any mission whether on land or at sea, on mobile or static platforms for remote operation of payloads ranging from small caliber weapons to medium caliber automatic cannons. The system is modular, and all of the different variants of the PROTECTOR share the same baseline technology.

The PROTECTOR is a proven product based on millions of hours of operational experience in combat zones combined with close cooperation with Defense Forces worldwide. The PROTECTOR has an unprecedented Operational Readiness Rate of 99%.

The PROTECTOR is built for operation in extreme environmental conditions with capabilities that allow soldiers to operate from a protected position using stabilized precision optics and laser to observe, detect and engage targets with increased accuracy and reduced collateral damage. The fully stabilized system provides unmatched observation and engagement capabilities where the gunner is enabled to keep their sights on target, independent of the ballistic solution for the weapon in use.

The PROTECTOR RS6 is designed to meet customers’ operational capabilities utilizing experience from proven in service PROTECTOR subsystems in combination with new future-oriented design and capabilities.

The PROTECTOR RS6 is a modular platform which can easily be adapted to suit various operational needs. Using the same base platform, the system can be set up with a combined 40mm and .50 caliber payload. Other examples are high-performance sensor package with Missiles or 7.62 coaxes.