Submarine systems

Submarine systems

KONGSBERG is a leading provider of mission critical systems for the conventional submarine fleet worldwide. Our suite of systems consists of Combat System Integration (CSI), Combat Management System (CMS), Combat Navigation System (CNS) and Sonar Processing Systems.

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Combat Management System

KONGSBERG has developed and delivered Combat Management Systems (CMS) to submarines for the Royal Norwegian Navy and international customers since the 1970s. Together with our customers and partners.

KONGSBERG is currently working on the next (4th) generation of Combat Management Systems for the fleet of diesel-electric submarines. During all these years integrating user-selected sensors, sub-systems and weapons have been a key factor in order to deliver a reliable Combat System to our partners. KONGSBERG’s concept for Combat System Integration (CSI) enables us to identify and mitigate risks long before the final assembly at the shipyard.

Combat Navigation System

The Combat Navigation System (CNS) is built on KONGSBERG’s extensive experience from Merchant Marine and Navies worldwide. CNS is compliant to the international ARPA, ECDIS and WECDIS standards. It provides passive terrestrial navigation and Data Distribution for rapid and reliable distribution of accurate data to CMS and other sub-systems.

Sonar Processing System

KONGSBERG Sonar Processing System (SPS) provides the best possible situational awareness of the surface environment and underwater threats. With open system standards and COTS architecture, the system is well suited for future upgrades and maintenance.

SPS also controls active sonar transmissions for Bottom Mapping and Mine Avoidance Sonars. It can also be interfaced to any kind of passive sonar arrays: On the chosen sonar array, SPS performs advanced parallel signal processing like:

  • Conventional beamforming
  • Adaptive beamforming
  • Subspace beamforming (MUSIC based)

This advanced processing combined with world-class tracking and Target Motion Analysis (TMA) capabilities results in detection at longer range and with higher confidence than with comparablesystems.


  • CMS
  • CNS
  • SPS
  • Link
  • Training systems

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Christian Urheim