PROTEUS Naval weapon trainer (NWT)
The PROTEUS Naval Weapon Trainer is in service with the Royal Norwegian Navy as the PROTEUS Mistral Simbad Trainer.
The PROTEUS Naval Weapon Trainer uses a simulation architecture that can be readily adapted to train personnel manning close-in weapon systems, such as remotely operated and crew-served guns, and short range SAMs.
The PROTEUS Naval Weapon Trainer provides man-in-the-loop training for firing CIWS (close-in weapon systems).
The PROTEUS Naval Weapon Trainer has a high fidelity display that enables the operator to identify and visually engage targets.
If required, the weapon system can be mounted on a motion platform. For remotely operated weapons, stabilized thermal and TV sights can be provided.
For whole-crew training, the PROTEUS Naval Weapon Trainer can be networked with the PROTEUS ASTT or CTT, and the K-Sim. Navigation Bridge Trainer.
Asymmetric naval warfare
Naval vessels potentially face a wide variety of threats. Following the success of the Exocet anti-ship missile during the Falklands War, many naval vessels were fitted with close-in weapon systems, such as Phalanx and Goalkeeper. However, in recent years the focus has been on countering suicide attacks, such as the one that crippled the USS Cole in October 2000, and asymmetric threats, such as swarm attacks by large numbers of fast inshore attack craft. These latter threats have led navies to install crew-served and remotely operated weapon systems to provide an inner defensive layer.
PROTEUS naval weapon trainer
Building on the success of its PROTEUS Mistral Simbad Trainer supplied to the Royal Norwegian Navy, KONGSBERG has developed the PROTEUS Naval Weapon Trainer, which can be adapted to provide essential man-in-the-loop training for any crew-served or remotely operated close-in weapon system. The weapon system may be mounted on a motion platform to simulate rough weather or ship manoeuvres. Electro-optic and thermal sights can be simulated for remotely operated weapon systems, such as KONGSBERG’s Sea Protector remote weapon system.
The PROTEUS Naval Weapon Trainer may be operated stand-alone or networked with other PROTEUS training solution systems, such as the PROTEUS ASTT and K-Sim. Navigation Bridge Trainer, to provide whole crew training in an asymmetric threat environment.
- Proven in operational training - provides a low-risk, cost-effective training solution
- Can be tailored to meet each user’s specific training requirements
- Runs on COTS PCs
- HLA evolved compliant (IEEE1516.2010)
- Can be federated with any other PROTEUS training system, or:
- Kongsberg Maritime’s K-Sim. Navigation training systems
- Third party trainers using either an HLA or DIS interface
- A long-term follow-on support contract is available