PROTEUS Action speed tactical trainer (ASTT)
The PROTEUS ASTT prepares crews to operate in the complex 21st Century naval environment where modern anti-ship weapons pose a major threat that requires a fast and effective response from the tactical team.
A typical PROTEUS ASTT installation consists of a number of student cubicles, all controlled from an Instructor Station. The cubicles are configured with all necessary sensors, combat management systems, weapon simulations and communications.
PROTEUS ASTT cubicles may be configured to represent ship CICs, ASW or anti-ship helicopters, maritime patrol aircraft, UAV or ROV control stations, and submarines. The PROTEUS ASTT can be linked to other HLA-compliant simulators, including any of the PROTEUS training solution systems, and KONGSBERG’s K-Sim. Navigation Naval Bridge and desktop trainers.
The PROTEUS ASTT is in service with a number of navies worldwide.
Training for the naval environment
To operate effectively and survive in the modern naval threat environment, tactical crews must understand how best to use their combat management systems, weapons, countermeasures and communications. However, many of the skills they require cannot be learnt in live training due to the expense, impracticality of using live weapons, and the risk of revealing tactics and procedures to ever-watchful potential enemies. To address this training need, KONGSBERG developed its first PROTEUS ASTT more than 20 years ago. Since then, the PROTEUS ASTT has been kept up to date with the ever-changing naval warfare environment.
Integrated training
PROTEUS incorporates a number of unique functionalities, such as a combat management system modelling facility, which makes it possible to model the internal data flow between the operators, exactly as it would happen on board a real ship. This means that the different pressure points of the various tactical team members is highlighted. Their training can then be tailored to respond to their tasks and to hone their skills in as realistic a way as possible while improving overall team performance. The PROTEUS ASTT can be linked to other HLA-compliant simulators, such as a bridge simulator or a Command Team Trainer, whether locally based or thousands of miles apart.
The selection of the PROTEUS training solution as the basis of the Royal Australian Navy’s Hobart Class Air Warfare Destroyer Command Team Trainer, confirms KONGSBERG’s position at the pinnacle of naval tactical training.
COTS eqipment
PROTEUS runs on standard COTS business-level PC equipment. Student and instructor consoles can be either KONGSBERG design or a bespoke customer design.

- Proven in operational training - provides low-risk, cost-effective training solution
- Can be tailored to meet each user’s specific training requirements
- Runs on COTS PCs
- HLA evolved compliant (IEEE1516.2010)
- Can be federated with any other PROTEUS training system, or:
- Kongsberg Maritime’s K-Sim. Navigation training systems
- Third party trainers using either an HLA or DIS interface
- A long-term follow-on support contract available