Kongsberg 360° camera system

Extreme performance for extreme conditions!!!

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The KONGSBERG 360° Camera System has a rotating platform incorporating two cameras:

  • One line scan camera for visual light, VIS 360°
  • One line scan camera for Long Wave Infrared Light, IR 360°

The KONGSBERG 360° Kongsberg Digital Towers combines the infrared and day cameras sensor information into a fused image. This gives the controller a higher possibility to detect unwanted objects such as animals, flocks of birds or other objects.

The camera system is designed to an Out-The-Window view, to:

  • Provide the operator with vision acuity as equal to the Out-The-Window as possible, with respect to optical resolution, light sensitivity, color reproduction, scale and orientation.
  • Reduce the required data bandwidth as much as possible between aerodrome and control center without compromising the vision acuity.
  • Provide the user with a module based system for easy maintenance and shortest possible downtime during replacement and service.
  • To avoid impaired visibility due to rain and snow all windows are equipped with wipers. Heated windows will improve the efficiency of the wipers and avoid problems with ice and snow. The rotational speed of the 360° Camera System will in itself prevent snow, rain, salt, sand and other debris from sticking to the windows.


  • Full eye resolution
  • VIS and IR camera fusion
  • Video tracking
  • Day Cameras and Infrared Sensors, IR fusion with day camera image
  • Pan Tilt Platform including PTZ and IR cameras, Laser Range Finder and Signal Light Gun


  • Low bandwidth and media hiring cost
  • Low technical footprint and maintenance cost
  • Increased Safety and Situational Awareness
  • No sand, rain, snow, salt and other debris are sticking to the camera windows due to rotational speed.

Technical data

  • VIS360: 60° vertical FoV (-10° to +50°)
  • IR 360: 18° vertical FoV, steerable in elevation
  • Visual acuity 1.0
  • Resolution is 0.28 mrad
  • 5Hz rotation


Harald Kleven

Hans Lie

Director Market & Sales

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